Best College Degrees That Can Fetch You a Job Immediately

4. Accountant:
Accounting profession is another profession in India where the demand for it is no less than any other popular profession in the country like the engineers and the doctors and business administrators. It can be considered as one among the most lucrative careers in the country along with its popularity. For the present employers, people who have graduated or mastered in the accounting field are the most sought after professionals when it comes to maintaining a company’s account details. In the accounting field, it is basically the chartered accountants who are in high demand than any other accountants. Becoming a chartered accountant is not an easy task because; you need to clear one of the toughest competitive examinations if you want to be called as a chartered accountant. Once you have got experienced in this field with a Bachelor’s degree, you can look upon towards adding on some more certifications to demand for a high pay as well as for acquiring better posts in this field.
This degree is extremely specified as you need to be skillful in all the four namely, financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and taxation etc before completing your Bachelor’s degree in accounting.