Best Cities for Job Seekers in India

#2 Chandigarh

June 2012: 117

June 2013: 140

Percentage Growth y-o-y: 20 Percent

With the second best employment index and the second best percentage growth, Chandigarh, the joint capital of Haryana and Punjab, has garnered the second place in the list. Chandigarh is the first planed city in the country post independence and the government sector is the major employment provider in the area. Home to approximately 2500 small scale industries and 15 medium-to-large scale industries, this stunning city definitely boasts a highly attractive employment ratio. Thanks to the high per capita ration of its residents, the city was named as the richest city in the country for the year 2010. Also the factors such recent advances in IT sector, the city’s close proximity with the national capital and relatively meager land rates, are attracting a whole range of multi-million corporate houses to invest in the city that will create a plethora of employment opportunities in the coming years.

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