Being Jobless Can Be a Barrier in Your Job Search

Though many companies are not willing to accept the bias in their hiring practices, some of the HR mangers and consultants said that the unemployment can be appearing as a red flag in a candidate’s resume, who has been unemployed from a very long time. The reason they give for this is, a candidate who has been unemployed for a very long time might have lacked the present skills that are required and might even show up their desperation of getting a job just till they get a job and switch their career as soon as they find a better one that comes in their way.
Such type of discrimination against the unemployed job candidates is growing day by day and that might be because of the short job supply as well as the employers having a choice of picking up the right candidate, say the labor and community leaders.
So, like this there might be a lot of unemployed people who might be suffering from not getting a job just because of the reason, ‘They are unemployed’.