Basic Steps for Becoming a Good Leader

2. Be Confident and Proud, not Egoistic:

Most leaders uphold pride and self-confidence. But these qualities are of no use if they are blinded by ego. Ego-centric attitude builds arrogance and command superiority. And such personality traits are never welcomed by people. In addition, such traits will not help you to understand things to a great extent. Aspiring leaders have to learn to see and understand things in others perspective. It is essential for them to never distance themselves from others and be open to ridicule. Being open minded and gaining advice doesn’t mean that you lose respect from others.

3. Lead and Set Example:

Leading a crowd is never easy. A leader has to establish authority and ensure that others look up to him. The best way to accomplish this is by leading the way by setting an example. This is the easiest form of leadership, as an energetic and able leader doesn’t have to explain much. His actions alone will prove his credibility and will instantly snub any challenge to his influence.

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