Asia's Worst IT Paymasters for 2012

2. Vietnam:

Vietnam’s manufacturing, information technology and high-tech industries have been depicted as the fast growing part of the national economy of the country. But still Vietnam has turned out to be the worst country in IT paymasters. It is termed as the worst of all the 7 Asian countries mentioned in the list as given by the The country’s IT firms offer its IT professionals a pay package around $ 29,831 [approximately 1.6 Lakh per year].

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1. Bulgaria:

Though it is not an Asian country, to complete this list, it is essential to mention to the worst of all the IT paymasters in the World. It is this nation, which is based in the Southeastern part of Europe, has been termed as the worst IT paymaster among all the countries surveyed around the world. The IT companies in this nation offer a pay package of $ 23,745 [approximately 1.3 Lakh per year].

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