Asia's Worst IT Paymasters for 2012

7. China:

The fourth largest country in the world in terms of land area and the first largest country when it comes to most populated countries in the world, has been reported to be one among the worst IT paymasters in the world 6th worst IT paymaster in Asia nations according to the list. The Chinese IT sector is another worst paymaster, as it just pays an annual income of $ 38,624 [approximately 21 Lakh per year] for IT professionals in that nation. China is facing a tough competition from their neighboring country India and from some of the European nations when it comes to software outsourcing industry. 

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Though the nation is facing twin challenges of increasing labor cost and rivalry from the foreign companies based in the nation, according to few industry insiders have told that the industry can grow up in a higher pace due to domestic demand. But it has been also reported that, the Chinese firms are expected to have a tough competition from India in the near future, reported a state run China Daily, as reported Sutirtho Patranobis of the Hindustan Times.

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