Are You Ready To Take Up These Challenging Jobs?

5. Astronaut:
The work environment of an astronaut is entirely different like any of other hardest professions. It is reported on ‘Investopedia’ website by Tim Parker that, only one in approximately 12,100,000 people will get a chance to become an astronaut. So, with this ratio, you can guess who challenging and difficult it is to get into this profession. To be an astronaut, you need to be in perfect physical and mental condition. To go to space, an astronaut has to undergo years of experience in this field along with immense training.

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To improve upon their physical fitness level, they visit gyms everyday to train themselves physically and also spend some quality time in actual spacecrafts to get adjusted. Once you are sent to space, you can learn that the actual time you spend over there, was less than the time you took to prepare yourselves for the most challenging space journey. This profession demands the quality of working together as well as to focus on the safety.

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