Are You Ready To Take Up These Challenging Jobs?

1. Test Pilots:
Yes, more than the profession as a pilot, it is harder and challenging to work as a Test pilot because they need to spend a lot of time in the cockpit conducting flight tests of newly modified aircrafts. Testing a newly modified aircraft means you need to have a lot of courage, as it is you who will be experimenting on it for the first time and everyone will be depending upon your responses. You need to determine whether the aircraft has met the specified standards it requires. Though there is nothing like physical stress in this profession, a test pilot has to undergo lot of mental pressure and stress along with immense physical energy.

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If you want to pursue a career as a ‘Test Pilot’, then you need to have certain qualifications that includes, understanding the test plan, flying the aircraft in a very highly specific way by sticking on to the test plan, documenting the results of each test you do while testing the aircraft in a very careful manner, solving any problems in fraction of seconds while testing the aircraft, as well as managing a lot of things which are going wrong at the same time, etc.

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