World's Top Reputable Firms You Can Work For

Bangalore: Building a good reputation of a company is not an easy task in the corporate world; some companies of course succeed to earn the trust and esteem of consumers in its native land. But if it is a multinational company majority of its revenue depends upon the international market, so it depends upon the consumers internationally that whether they will like a particular brand or not, as a result integrating reputation management becomes the top priority of the companies. According to Jacquelyn Smith of Forbes, Reputation Institute, a global private consulting firm based in New York, have recently ranked 100 businesses that have successfully established strong international names for themselves.  These reputable companies have managed to earn a “Global RepTrak Pulse” score of zero to 100, demonstrating an average measure of people’s feelings for it. The scores of which were statistically derived from calculations of four emotional indicators like trust, esteem, admiration and good feeling. Here is the list of the 10 Most Reputable Companies of the World, which you can also select to work for.

10.  LEGO Group: Best known as the manufacturer of Lego brand toys, this Denmark based multinational company named LEGO Group, obtained a Rep Trak Pulse Score of 76.35. Besides that LEGO brand toys are quite famous in the world market and is also liked and appreciated by the global consumers.  

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