Women Work Longer Hours, More Honest On The Job Than Men

Bangalore: It has already been proved in many ways that a women has no longer remained a weaker section when compared to their opposite counterparts. To prove this fact, a new study conducted by career site ‘theFit’,  has found out that women professionals appear to work for long hours than men professionals and it has also found out that they are happier with what they earn, reports David Schepp on Aol Jobs Website.

When the survey was conducted among 5,000 U.S. professionals, it was found that 54 percent of the women workers reported working for nine or more hours a day when compared to 41 percent of men.

In that survey, although the majority of respondents i.e., around 91 percent of them confine their working hours to five days each week, in that percent almost half of them around 47 percent claim to work more than eight hours every day. It was found that during the vacations it was women professionals who tend to engage in some kind of activities with 67 percent of them saying they engage in other work even during the vacation period. This percent turned out to be higher than the men folk as only 60 percent of them tend to work even during their vacation.