Will Obama's Victory Affect Indian IT Industry Negatively?

Bangalore: U.S. presidential election that will be conducted every four years is not just important for the U.S. citizens but, the results will be curiously watched by every nation on Earth. One among those nations is our nation India as well. As Barack Obama has been re-elected for another term, there has been mixed reactions coming in from all over India.

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So, among those reactions, one such important one is from the Indian IT Industry. Yes, though his victory doesn’t lead to a direct impact on the Indian IT industry, it seems like it can affect the Indian IT, as there might be chances of facing a tough competition from Obama’s Nation. This is because; Obama is likely to discourage the American firms’ profitability by outsourcing their business that in turn can result in a tough competitiveness by the Indian IT firms, reports the “CIOL” website.

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