When Gossiping Works Out at Workplace

Bangalore:  Gossiping can be good as it helps people feel connected, says some of the U.S. professors, reports Nikita Garia on the Wall Street Journal. However, one should avoid hateful type gossiping which can harm their relationship at work, and possibly their career. 

Human resources experts say, gossiping to swap information casually has some benefits, so staying entirely out of it is not a smart move.

Listed below are some ways gossip at the workplace can be helpful as reported by Nikita Garia on the Wall Street Journal:

1. Connectivity Increases: Experts believe that, informal conversations, about both job and non-job related topics, helps co- workers know each other better and can prove to be quite helpful to bring teams closer. Through informal conversations one can learn about other people’s experiences and can also get connected with employees from other teams and departments of the company. Kaushik Srinivasan, managing Consultant for people and change at PricewaterhouseCoopers India says “Establishing a personal touch with team members helps get work done faster,”