Top Skills and Values Desired by Employers

Bangalore: Are you finding it hard to land a job? Has your career held up? Do you want to know what those qualities that employers look for are in a potential job seeker? Here is a list of essential skills and values that employers look for in a potential job seeker, as reported by Randall S. Hansen and Katharine Hansen on QuintCareers website.

Most sought after skills by employers-

1. Communication Skills:

Communicating the intended message clearly and effectively is one of the most important skills every employers look for, which is often a key factor in deciding the chances of landing a job. It is a fact that communication plays an important role in whatever profession you are engaged in. Having the ability to write, listen and speak efficiently, and facilitate communication is bound to put you in the limelight and elevate yourself to the top of the pile on a recruiter’s desk.

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