Top People Who Became Rich and Famous After Getting Fired

Bangalore: Getting fired from a job is one of the most embarrassing experiences a professional can go through in their career path. But very few have the tendency to come out of that tough time in a positive way. Those who think in a productive manner, thinks that getting fired is not always the worst thing that can happen in once career. Below mentioned are few famous personalities whose termination papers changed their entire destiny as it helped them to figure out their best jobs that suits their personality. No wonder, those jobs have changed their career in a positive way. Those jobs have not only helped them to become famous, but they have also helped them to become rich as well.

More: 5 Kinds of People Who Can Get Fired Easily

Here are some of the top personalities you need to know about their past job from where they got fired and later became rich and famous, as reported by Alana Horowitz and Vivian Giang on the Business Insider website.

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