Top 6 Things Recruiters Will Never Tell You

Bangalore: You might think that recruiters are only meant for hiring the right person for the job that has been offered. Yes, what you have thought is exactly true. So, to get the right candidate selected, recruiters evaluate the performance of the candidates based on efficiency and effectiveness that can match up with job requirements. But ironically, recruiters at the present are experiencing their job very difficult to manage than ever before because there are infinite numbers of talented candidates who are seeking a job in the job market. So, the recruiter is asked to decide upon the candidate’s marketability much quicker without wasting any time. Even the candidates need to be faster in paying more attention on how to powerfully make that first impression on the recruiter during the interview.

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After having an interview session with the recruiters, many candidates don’t get any sought of response from the hiring managers. This can be because you had lacked right skills or for any other reason. But, apart from that, the recruiters will never tell you where you went wrong neither while interviewing nor after the interview session is over. And also there are many facts that the hiring managers will never tell you. It might be because of two reasons as quoted by J.T. O'Donnell on Careerealism website, firstly, they may think they are not paid to give you a bad news if you don’t get selected, secondly,  they might be having no time to respond you at all. So, here are few important things which the hiring managers will never tell you though they observe you on those things during the interview .