Top 5 Reasons for Not Getting a Job Interview Call

Bangalore: Most of you would have sent out 100s of resumes for the potential employers and you wouldn’t have received even a single response from them, not even a kind refusal. For this, there may be hundreds of reasons, but there are few common factors which can lead many to be unemployed. Anyways, here are the top 5 reasons because of which you are not getting any job interview calls as reported by Shweta on Career Bright website.

1. The economy:

The most deadly reason at present for the increased unemployment rate is because of recession and because of that it has led to slow job market. And if you are in search of a job in this tough job market, then it is really tougher for you to find one. You must also remember that it is not just you who are unemployed and looking out for a job, there are lakh of people who are in search of a job. So, to find a best job during this time, you need to firstly broaden your search and also make sure you consider other options too which may not be in your original plan. Just because you are struggling to find a job, just don’t give up your hope of getting a job.

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