Top 5 Jobs That Are In High Demand for Multitaskers

Bangalore: Multitaskers are defined as people who can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, without degrading productivity. Though there are not many careers that allow you to multitask, here is a list of few ideal on-demand careers for multitaskers, as reported by Annie Favreau on Business Insider.

More: Hot Careers That Have Solid Pay Potential

1. Event Planner:

An event planner basically controls and coordinates various aspects of a professional event, meeting, party, festival, competition, ceremony, convention or concert. He is responsible for selecting the meeting location, arranging transportation, security, catering, budgeting, acquiring permits and coordinating various other related activities. With rapid globalization, business organizations and various other institutions have recognized the value of a professionally planned event or meeting, and hence the need for professional event planners is expected to grow at an alarming rate.

The educational qualification required to become an event planner is, at least a bachelor’s degree and some related work experience in planning. However, candidates with bachelor’s degree in hospitality management are most preferred.

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