Top 10 Jobs In The Tech Industry

BANGALORE: Working in Silicon Valley is a very high paying job, as everyone knows. But all IT companies need software help, and as the demand rises, so do the salaries of Information technology professionals. has analyzed survey data of 4,800 IT workers from Computerworld, and compiled a list of the software jobs that pay over $100,000 per year.

Systems programmer

A systems programmer makes a total of $105,239 a year, with roughly $3,537 in the form of performance bonuses. The pay for systems programmers has increased by around 2.9 percent since 2014.

Systems programmers are a versatile group of programmers who can write code for apps that are directly used by humans, as well as code that are machine-readable only. As the phenomenon of the ‘Internet of Things’ becomes apparent, with smart thermostats and internet-connected washing machines, there is a rising need for machine readable code.

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