The 7 Keys to Career Success

Bangalore: Career success... Who doesn’t want to be successful in career? But we often dare to dream of the day we win! Ironical...but it is true. The people who had strong desire on their dreams could achieve what they dreamt off. Probably you have heard the dream of Wright Brothers- the great brothers who could make the collective dream of the entire mankind come true. Neither of the two was educated nor wealthy but healthy enough to make their dreams come real.

Bud Bilanich of has listed the 7 keys to success life program of author Judy Zerafa. Go For it with Judy Zerafa.

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1. I Have a Positive Attitude!

Positive thoughts and attitudes set the stage for you. What matters is your positive attitude, it will not bother you where you are, with whom you are and even how people treat you. It can bring great possibilities to happen into your life. Everything is a matter of attitude in every phases of life you pass through. If you do not have the right attitude, no matter how capable you are. Successful people always have right and positive attitude towards their life and career. Do you know that one of the greatest scientists ever happened to born on earth, Thomas Alva Edison was sent from school with a note saying, "too stupid to learn"? He had only 3 months of formal education. Surprised??? The power of positive attitude!

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