The 10 Most Disliked Professions

Bangalore: The reasons for job dissatisfaction are many. Irregular work hours, low pay, lack of respect and restricted growth are some of the major reasons. Here is a list of professions with the highest level of job dissatisfaction, as reported on Vancouver Sun website.   

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10. Marketing Manager:

A marketing manager is responsible for promoting and advertizing the product of an organization. His main task is to access the market behavior and customer requirement, and accordingly develop an appropriate strategy to meet the sales objective of an organization.

But according to the survey most of the marketing managers have reported dissatisfaction with their work. The primary reason for job dissatisfaction is the lack of direction. In addition, he has to undergo a lot of mental trauma since he will be the first person to be blamed when things go wrong; he has to work for longer hours, without any rewards; most of the time, he has to be on the road and away for his family for an extended period of time.  Apart from that, as he is responsible for all the members of his team, he will be blamed for mistakes done by his subordinates anytime.

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