Switch Your Career with These 10 Perfect Jobs

UX Designer
Salary: $114,509 p.a.

The interaction of the end-user with the products and services of the company can be collectively referred to as user experience. The job focuses on identifying the customer needs and making sure that they are met. The main emphasis is on designing the user interface that forms the crucial part to connect with the customers. Since the job deals with the visuals and appearance of the applications, candidates should have knowledge of graphics, topography, architecture and taxonomy.

Data Analyst
Salary: $79,510 p.a.

The job of a data analyst includes cleaning, validating, modeling, transforming data available to derive conclusions from it thereby making decisions. These professionals work on designing and developing relational database to collect the data and analyze the same to reach the results. A degree in either of the field of Mathematics, statistics or computer science is required. In addition to this candidates must be good with numbers, love working with data and focus on details of the data.
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