Step into Your 1st Career through 3 Easy Ways

Bangalore: Completed your graduation and wondering how to find your job from job market? College world will never show you the practicality of life than the theoretical inputs. A recent report by Associated Press says, more than half of the new grads (figured almost 53 percent) found it difficult to land a job. Are these recent grads lacking confidence or skills to droop in job search? Rebecca Thorman of suggests three ways to kick-start your career. If you are one of these recent grads who find it difficult to land a job, here are 3 simple steps you can take forward to start your career. 

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1. Pick up your first career

Having a number of interests will be confusing you to choose your career. Often multi-skilled and multi-talented people are puzzled to start climbing their career ladder. It may remain you as aimless and directionless.  Thorman suggests multi-passionate people like you to pick any field of your interest for starting your career. As of the today’s super trend, you may able to hop your profession six to seven times before you step into 30s. More than a dream job, you have to get some experience in job market and in some profession along with a paycheck which can help you survive by yourself.

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