SAP, Marico And Snapdeal Que Up For On Demand Techies

BANGALORE: In a drive to enhance IT Competencies particularly in mobility, big data and analytics, companies like SAP, General Mills, Snapdeal and Marico in their attention for top talents have transcended from the point of recognition to a level of aggressive acquisition for techies even those residing outside India.

SAP already aims at placing 1,000 engineers within the next 12 months in its labs in India which is the globally the second largest.SAP Labs are expected to raise the intake of graduates coming from the country's premier engineering colleges. With the niche talent small in number, the company will soon set out their haunt for techies overseas, which includes Silicon Valley and Europe, reports ET.

In over 70pct of the German software company's 6,500 employees are residing in india that are among the R&D and product engineering,20pct constitutes the in consulting and implementation while the remaining lingers in sales and marketing.
"Hires will be largely in R&D and product engineering. In the past 75% of professionals with experience in SAP technology were hired and only 25% hiring was niche skills. This year the ratio will change to 50:50, between conventional SAP hiring and high-end technology-data scientists, research analysts and architects," said Anil Warrier, director and India head of talent acquisition at SAP.

Online marketplace Snapdeal will now attempt to boost twice the number of its teach team by recruiting 1,000 people by the year end, this also comprises of talent from Silicon Valley as well as assembling a product and engineering leadership team. "We will bring in the best of talent in the space of technology as technology is the backbone for runining a big enterprise like ours," said Saurabh Nigam, vice president of HR at Snapdeal.

Managing director at General Mills Mainak Dhar strongly affirms that the company motive is to boost manufacturing at the Indian plant thereby with the demand for talents; technology is guaranteed to take flight. This includes company brands like Pillsbury and Betty Crocker products and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. Marico is on scouting for proficient employees in cutting edge technologies to further develop their consumer product offerings. "We are looking at talent beyond India especially to build our strength around innovation and R&D," said Ashutosh Telang, Marico's chief human resources officer.

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