Revealed!! 7 Things You Didn't Know About Job Interview

1.  Don’t accept the coffee or any beverage they offer to you:

Yes, this might sound a bit confusing for you, as you might think that responding in a positive way for whatever the interviewer ask is a must and same in the case of accepting the coffee or something else. But, the fact is asking for a cup of coffee o so is just a part of the formality. Yes, no interviewer will reserve time for serving you with a cup of coffee or so in the time allotted to interview you. They just want to see whether you fit into their company or the company’s policies or not.

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So, in this circumstance, it is better to refuse for a cup of coffee or anything else in a polite manner, so that it won’t create a bad impression on them. Furthermore, it is very much necessary to reject a coffee because, who knows, you might just spill it on your attire or mess their documents which is on the table that can make them feel annoyed and go mad by your misbehavior.