Resume Blunders That Can Cost Your Job

Bangalore: Most of the job seekers usually make obvious and painful blunders on their resumes that might cost them the job. Hence it is essential for an individual to pay utmost attention to the minor details of one’s resume and increase the probability of getting a job. Though there are several online tools that are helpful in creating a better resume by avoiding critical mistakes such as punctuation, most of them will not grab hold of several obvious slip-ups.   

Here is a list of such blunders on a job seeker’s resume, as reported by J.T. O’Donnell of AOL Jobs on Business Insider.

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1. Subjective Texts:

It is advisable for an aspiring job seeker not to fill the resume with extravagant self-praises and avoid using derogatory / untested phrases such as ‘exceptional communication skills’, ‘hard working individual’, ‘dedicated self – starter’ and so on, which might create a sense of negative publicity with respect to the recruiters. Instead you can list proven accomplishments and let the recruiter decide if you are actually a go-getter.

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