People Who Made Millions After Quitting Their Job

Bangalore: The world has changed the people’s way of thinking as they are finding their own ways of getting richer day by day by quitting their jobs. So, do you want to be one among them? If yes, then the 1st reason for you to quit your present job may be because you must be bored of serving for others and then you must have made up your mind to get richer by yourself by your own hard work. But there’s one thing you must keep in mind, i.e., you must be lucky enough to get the chance of becoming rich along with your hard work. So, if you are in any plans of making millions by building up your own career, here are few millionaires from whom you can get inspired as they have turned their dreams of becoming rich into reality by their own hard work as reported by Michelle Fox on Yahoo Finance Website.

1. Rick Wetzel and Bill Phelps, Wetzel’s Pretzels

These two guys were working for the Nestle when they got an idea of starting Wetzel’s Pretzels. The idea was 1st suggested by Wetzel’s wife to start soft pretzels [snacks] to sell at the mall. To start this business Wetzel sold his Harley Davidson to raise their funds to start it during their leisure times. When all the recipes were created at Phelps’ kitchen these two guys persuaded a mall landlord by giving him to taste their recipe. Later as the land lord liked their food’s taste, he rented Wetzel’s Pretzels its first store. Their lucky charm started to work after a year later of their business when they were offered a partition package by Nestle. With that separation by the Nestle they opened up several more stores before decoding to franchise in 1996. At present, there are about 250 stores United States and they have plans of opening their stores in Japan and India this year.