Must Do Things for Google Employees Before Quitting

Bangalore: Google may be one of the best companies where you can expect good perks. But there can be various other reasons for you to quit the job at the same time. Well, if you have decided to quit the job at the Google you need to do some things before you decide to quit. The company has so many resources which will help you to be a better engineer, so make good use of these resources while you are still working there. Some of the former Googlers have listed out few things which you must never miss to do before leaving the company, reports Matt Lynley on Business Insider.

1. Don’t miss the talks by celebs and tech geniuses:

Google attracts many celebs and some really cool people to their campus to deliver their thoughts to the Google employees. Many celebs like the author of the ‘Freakonomics’ Steven D.Levitt, ‘The Simpsons cartoonists, Architect of the Java collections Joshua Bloch and many more have visited the Google campus to share their ideas, experiences with the Google staffs. So, as a Google employee, don’t miss the chance of attending the talks by the celebs and tech geniuses who come to Google campus.

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