Ministry of Women and Child Development Frames Rules under Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act

New Delhi: Sexual harassment at work place may lead to termination of service of the accused, withholding of promotions and increments, and payment of reasonable compensation to the complainant.

These are some of the penal provisions in the rules being drafted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to implement the Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, which came into being in February.

According to the proposed rules, if allegations against the accused turn out to be false and after inquiry, are found to be made with a malicious intent, the complainant may face similar penal provisions as listed for the accused.

The rules suggest the constitution of a local complaints committee which should have a social worker with five years of experience in the relevant field, a person familiar with labor, employment, civil or criminal law.

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Source: PTI