Least Stressed Jobs of 2012

Bangalore: Are you stressed with your job? If yes, then you should definitely know that you are not the only one who is stressed with his /her job, as most professionals today are hassled with their daily work. However, there are certain professions that are less demanding and are considered to be the least stressful jobs of 2012, according to the jobs rated report by careercast.com, reports career Advice. By going through the highlighted below list, of the least stressful jobs, you can opt for a career change if you are willing to do so, in order to avoid unnecessary stress that is affecting your life and health.

1.  Medical records technician: Stress Score: 7.52

Professionals working as medical record technicians are responsible for compiling and maintaining medical records of health care delivery systems to document patient condition and treatment. They also review medical records for completeness and to summarize and code clinical data, like diseases, operations, procedures and therapies, using standard classification systems. Medical records technician are also required to maintain and utilize variety of health record indexes and storage and retrieval systems.