Know Why it's Better to be Away From Office Politics

Bangalore: Office politics is something that can ruin your career path in just few minutes, if you are caught by your employer. So, it is better to be away from it, if you want to play a safe game in your professional life wherever you go. Well, here are some of the key reasons, why office politics is better to be avoided for a fruitful career, given by Don Tennant on ITBusiness Edge website.
1. Office politics has the potential to create an environment where backbiting is accepted:
As many of you know that, backbiting about others can be considered as a destructive force, which has the capacity to break the trust someone had on you. So, it’s better to be away from backstabbing someone, especially when they have a lot of trust on you. It might hurt very badly when one of your colleagues realizes that you are not worth of his or her trustworthiness. Sometimes, it might also affect the entire office atmosphere, where you spend maximum of your time in a day. So, don’t give a chance to office politics, as it can create an environment where backbiting is accepted.