Innovative Packages: New Recruitment Mantra At IITs This Placement Season
Bangalore: Innovative packages are the order of the day at the IITs this placement season. Employers across the industries are offering fat pay packages along with state-of-the-art perks to tap top notch talent in the country, reports Devina Sengupta and Sreeradha D Basu of ET Bureau.
Companies namely Google, Hyundai Motor, Myntra and startups such as Axtria India are at the forefront of this revolution. The perks offered by these companies are becoming bigger and better; and this is having a positive impact on the psyche of the students opting for employment.
Google, in addition to the $115,000 pay package, is offering 125 shares each to its new recruits; Hyundai Motor is providing an option to acquire an MBA; Axtria India that has recruited 18 students from IIT-Roorkee, is offering them 25 lakh distributed over a period of three years; and Myntra, along with
13 lakh pay packages, is offering stock options.
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