How to Get Hired at Facebook?

Bangalore: Social Media giant, Facebook had already employed 3000 people and it seems to grow more in the future. Reportedly, Facebook will be hiring thousands of new candidates during this year. Just like Internet giant Google, Facebook also provides exciting perks for their employees and many grads are looking to work in Mark Zuckerberg’s venture. Facebook is famous for its less stressful workplace. A Forbes Staff,  Jacquelyn Smith has mentioned ‘10 things job seekers should know about Facebook before interviewing’ in one of her article. Below listed are the 10 things which every Facebook candidate should know:



1. Be Passionate towards Job:

Jacquelyn Smith mentioned ‘let your passion for the job come through’  is one of the best thing a candidate can do on job interview. In Facebook, your hiring manager will be very particular about your passion towards everyday tasks and responsibilities of your job. So, it is better for you to talk passionately about your aims, activities and mention if any achievements you made to a former employer.