How faithful Are You to Your Job?

Bangalore: At present, many people lack to be faithful to the company which they are working for, that may be because of better opportunities offered by other companies. But don’t you think, there must be some amount of faithfulness required to survive in a particular company? Recently there was a survey conducted by Jobvite that had explored the state of job loyalty in today’s workplace. Here are funfilled facts fond in that survey as reported by Kate D’amico on ‘Come Recommended Website’.

1. In that survey it was found that nearly 61 percent of the American employees were looking out for better/ new jobs.

2. Average U.S. employees had completed a period of 4.4 years in their respective jobs.

3. On an average level, men hold 11.4 jobs in a lifetime, whereas when it came to average women, they hold 10.7 jobs in a lifetime.

4. According to the survey, today’s college grads hold up to 9.8 jobs until the age of 65 years.

5. Approximately 22 million Americans found their recent jobs using social media. Like, with the help of LinkedIn 43 percent of them found a job, Twitter 32 percent and through Facebook 25 percent found their job and these 3 became the most popular sites for job seeking.

6. It was finally found that, by the year 2015, approximately 60 percent of new jobs require skills held by only 20 percent of the population.

Jobvite not only find out some of the key facts, it has also offered some important advices, which are not only offered to the employers of the America, but it can also considered by employers around the world.

One of the key necessities to keep the employees onboard is by encouraging your employees at every step and motivate them for better success and to keep them engaged in their work. Always anticipate the growth of your employees and respond accordingly. Take care of your employees by offering things like conducting seminars to improve in their career growth, offer them on-site coaching and career development classes.