Don't Wait For Career Opportunities, Rather Create Them!

Bangalore: Being passive and waiting for things to happen is not the way to go ahead for an aspiring individual. Being proactive is the best way to achieve success in life, irrespective of the field or the situation. Seize the initiative and create your own opportunities, rather than just waiting for them to fall onto your lap.   

Here are few tips that might help you to achieve this objective, as listed by Erin Palmer on Careerbliss.

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1. Don’t Wait to Be Asked:

Rather than waiting for your higher authorities to assign you a task or a project, take initiative and get started. Do bear in mind that, a successful result speaks much louder than just claiming that you can accomplish a task.

Patience is a commendable quality, but unresponsiveness or lack of concern is not. Never wait for the perfect moment that may or may not come. Always believe that this is your moment and take a leap of faith.

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