Best Ways to Tackle Bullying At Workplace

Bangalore: Constant fault-finding, unfavorable, criticism, refusal to acknowledge an individual’s achievements and contributions towards the growth of an organization are some of the examples of bullying at workplace.  Bullying has a physical and psychological impact on an individual. Such individuals often experience a series of non-constructive feelings which includes sadness, frustration, anger, depression, despair, etc. and might resort for the intake of drugs or alcohol as remedy.   

So to avoid bullying at workplace, here is a list of simple ways to tackle bullying at workplace, as reported by Shannon Hutton on the Excelle website.

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1. Record Everything:

Keep a written account of specifics such as who, where, when, how and so on, every time you are bullied. This document will demonstrate that these incidents were not isolated and that this harassment has been going on for an extended period of time. The written account will also make it easier to report the bullying in a rational and objective manner so that there is no room for anyone to question the legitimacy of the report.

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