Best Destinations for Job Seekers Overseas

Bangalore: At the present job trend, most of the people wish to travel abroad in search of job opportunities. That doesn’t mean they can’t get a good job in their own land. The reason behind shifting to other countries in search of jobs is because of the high pay they are offered over there for the same profession they are serving in their own country. Take for example in India, Doctors and Software engineers are paid well according to the Indian economic status which is a good pay in the Indian scenario. But the same profession can fetch you more money depending upon the country you have selected to opt for a career. So, if you are searching for a job abroad, here are the few top destinations which were researched by HSBC in its Expat Explorer survey, where you can check out to take up a career over there as reported by Farnoosh Torabi on ZDNet Website.

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1.  China:

Most people from all over the world come to China seeking job opportunities as they have a positive outlook on the economy of that country. But you need to note that the permanent residents of China are less likely to earn more than $2, 00,000 every year. You must also know that China is one of the cost effective country for childcare. Most of the people residing over there have seen the cost of raising children has decreased and have seen an improvement in the quality of childcare.

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