Best Countries To Find A Full Time Job

Iceland:  The country with the highest payroll-to-population ratio of 54 percent in among all European countries also has the lowest unemployment rate and has the highest per capita income of $41,000 as per 2013.

The country still gets its highest revenue from exporting fish, which is still the biggest source of income of the people of Iceland. Though the country was heavily impacted due to the economy meltdown in 2008, it has recovered and is stable once again.

United Arabs Emirates: It doesn’t come as a surprise that U.A.E is the country with the highest payroll-to-population ratio in the world with 59 percent, but a minimal per capita income of more than $30,000. The Gulf country is also has the highest number of expatriates and gets a huge source of income from its petroleum reserves.

The country’s labor force is manned by expatriates though the country is pushing for ‘emiratization’. It is noted that most of the UAE nationals take up jobs in the public sector which provides stability and good monetary benefits.

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