Best Companies to Work For 2012 in India

Bangalore: Working in one of the best companies will be proud moments for each and every employees in their life. In Indian economy, it is not easy for an organization to bring the best working environment. But, there are companies which offers best opportunities for their employees to grow in professional life. In other side, the lowest rate of engagement and enablement resulted in highest rate of career change among Indian executives. Contradictory to that, some employers have paved the way to success by building an appreciation culture.

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Here is the newest list of India’s best companies to work for, according to the study done by The Economic Times and Great Place to Work.

10. NIIT:

The appreciation programs in NIIT stand out differently than any other. Its AppreciaTree in every floor allows employees to put appreciation and thanking notes to their colleagues. Another program HATS OFF and the Passion Groups created according to the common interests of the employees.

This global computer education company has its presence in around 40 countries globally. Founded in 1981 by Rajendra S. Pawar and Vijay K. Thadani, today, NIIT has employed 3,308 employees. Headquartered at Gurgaon, India, NIIT provides training for individuals, enterprises, schools and colleges. NIIT employees are spirited about company’s appreciation culture.

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