Are You a Smart or a Hard Worker?

Bangalore: There are two kinds of people in this vast world, one who work smartly in order to boost productivity by avoiding much time consumption and efforts and other kind of people are the ones who toil day and night to meet the necessary goal. However, the matter is quite a debatable topic as in whether you should work smartly or hard to meet the specific target. According to Josh Allan Dykstra of the YouTern ALPHA website, which ever group you are in is sure to make you believe that the other group actually does not exist; moreover you tend to think that whatever way you are following is right.

Josh says that whatever group we follow, we think that the other group is intrinsically wrong. Likewise, we also think that the other group is stupid as our preference in a particular group make us think so. We tend to assume that one of these approaches is essentially better than the other. But according to Josh both of these approaches are required to excel in our career and be successful in life.