8 Little-known Websites To Jump-Start Your Career
siliconindia | Thursday, 06 November 2014, 17:47 IST
SimplyHired: Simply Hired is a job search engine that collects job listings from all over the web, including company career pages, job boards and niche job websites.
Simply Hired matches and displays relevant jobs to the seekers through website, mobile app, and numerous partner sites.
Simply Hired operates job search engines in 24 countries and 12 languages.
Indeed: As the world's favorite job site, with over 140 million unique visitors every month from over 50 different countries, Indeed has become the most-sought after site for helping people get their desired jobs.
Indeed is intensely passionate about delivering the right fit for every person visiting the site. It helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offer the best opportunity for job seekers.
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