8 Benefits of Staying at a Job for 10 Years

7. Reliability:

If you spend more than 10 years or so in a particular company, definitely the company would have developed a sense of reliability, as they think you can do lot of things in a right manner. If you show up your good job, no doubt you will be respected and trusted for the hard work and success you have bought in for the company.

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8. Flexibility:

Employees, who work in a company for a decade or more than that period, would have gone through lots and lots of challenges in an increasing level. This would have helped them to sharpen their skills by reworking on a single project again and again till it gets a perfect shape. It is these employees who would have tried their hand in varied forms of roles at office that would have helped them to find out what they are most passionate about. The only difference in changing departments in the same office and changing the companies is that you would have retained your same position and benefits in the next company, but if you would have just changes the department in the same office it helps you to freely experiment on new things with a lot of support from your seniors as they would have got to know about your talent in a practical manner.

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