8 Benefits of Staying at a Job for 10 Years

1. Seniority:

The first and foremost benefit of sticking to a single company for more than 10 years is that it gives you a sense of seniority as you would have seen a lot number of people joining and quitting the job from the time you have joined. There won’t be much necessity to compete against others who have newly joined to achieve a stronger role in the company. There won’t be any necessity to scratch from the beginning to establish yourself in a stronger role in any of the new company you join later.

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2. You can acquire leadership opportunities:

It’s obvious when you become a senior at workplace, you can expect leadership opportunities for monitoring the juniors or fresh employees who have recently joined your company [Department]. By monitoring the new comers you can improve your own skills and abilities. Being a leader will also help you in acquiring support from your teammates when needed.  

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