7 Ways to Get a Good Pay Hike without Quitting Your Job

Bangalore: Presently, the job market is highly volatile and none of the employees are feeling safe. There is a feeling of job insecurity in the mind of the employees and as a result of which they are hesitant to claim what is rightfully theirs. They fear that asking for a pay hike in a situation where majority of the employers are looking to downsize the workforce could somehow work against them or even cost them their sole means of living.

Though it is true up to some extent, not asking for a pay-hike or job hopping in a pursuit to increase one’s pay is not a fitting solution. Enjoy your work, contribute substantially and put in the required efforts to secure a pay hike within the same organization.

Here is an overview of the steps that could secure a pay hike irrespective of the market conditions, as listed by Sanjeev Sinha for The Economic Times.