7 Social Media Myths for Professionals Unveiled

Twitter is Only for Celebrities and Politicians

Film stars, sports personalities and politicians tweet to stay in the limelight. But if you use it effectively, twitter can be a great medium to attain professional glory. It can be as powerful as offline mediums such as newspaper or television and can give you a shot at fame if used correctly, that is why your active presence on it can have a significant impact on your future career aspirations.     

I Made LinkedIn Profile Once, Now Recruiters Will Find Me

LinkedIn is one of the best and the most popular professional networking site on the net. Your profile on this site is equivalent to your CV and a mere presence on it can eliminate the need to post your resume on various job portals. However, your profile might lose its sheen, if you opt not to update your profile with new skills, achievements and projects at regular intervals of time, thereby reducing the chances of landing your dream job.

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