7 Reasons Why It's High Time For Resume Updation

Reflect On Your Key Lessons And Identify Development Areas
If you achieved success in indentifying key development areas and learning important lessons, its all because of the efforts you put in. So just give it a thought to look at your resume and see which were your gains and losses. And finally self-introspect about the thinks you learnt? What is your progress with those learning’s? What could you do to improve and develop it further?

See The Thread That Binds Your Body Of Work Together
Resumes tends to give you a complete view of your career, and it doesn’t stop you from getting new insights about your career and where you want see yourself in future. So the best way to find out the thread that binds your body of work together is by asking yourself, what thought processes made you to take these career choices?  Would you do anything different to overcome it?

Prepare Yourself For The Worst
You might just get a call from one of the best company or some of your work could have been recognized for an award. So you never know and by keeping your resume up to date will give you a lot more freedom to work on when something like this strikes your way.

 The more often you update your resume the less work you have, and revisiting your accomplishments will help you develop confidence and give a clearer direction to your career.
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