7 Most Disliked Careers
6. Electronics Technician: The job of Electronics technician took the sixth position in the most hated job list as the employees working in this field of work gave several reasons for their job dissatisfaction. One respondent criticized the job for having “too little control,” whereas another had a list of complaints: “Work schedule, lack of achievement, no real opportunity for growth, companions have no motivation to work hard, no say in how things are done, hostility from companions towards other employees.”
These professionals are required to maintain, troubleshoot and collect monthly measurement data for electronic systems. Electronics technicians have the capability to quickly solve complex technical problems under extreme pressure.
7. Law Clerk: Although this job is the most sought after position in the legal field, the main reason of employee dissatisfaction in this field of work is the long demanding work hours. Apart from that, it is reported by “The Bureau of Labor Statistics” that the job brings in a median salary of $39,780 per year, which is not a great salary indeed; moreover one cannot advance much in this field of work. A law clerk mainly assists the judges as they write down their opinions.