7 Lesser Known Job Perks Offered By Employers


Seminars and conferences are very common in professional life. These are actually creating learning opportunities for the employees. Off late companies provide partial reimbursement of a course fee, if any employee is pursuing at the same time. Education benefits by companies extend to employee children too.

Time Off

Break in work is indeed important. Companies value the need of vacations and thus they introduced stipend offs or paid offs. In these employees do not suffer a money deduct despite being off from work. A recent HR-policy by Flipkart tells an employee can get up to six months off from work in order to concentrate on any other field of life.

Discounts, freebies, and seasonal perks

Subsidized rate in gym, restaurants, malls or bridges is common by companies. Organizations nowadays provide discount coupons for tickets of concert tickets, amusement parks, and travel expenses. If you haven’t availed one such from your organization till now, do ask the HR tomorrow. Companies definitely have these included.

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