7 Jobs With The Brightest Future
Financial Advisor
These professionals basically assist clients on financial affairs such as investment strategies, retirement planning and insurance options. They are responsible for making recommendations on ways to make the most of the financial assets of a client. The job description involves advising clients on products / services that are available in the market, exploring the marketplace, ensuring that the clients are aware of and understand the things that best meet their needs, and finally securing a sale.
This profession calls for a keen understanding of stock market, banking and insurance practices. Becoming a successful financial advisor demands certain specializations, proficient education and other professional credentials.
As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report, the job opportunities for these professionals are likely to reach a staggering 32 percent from 2010 to 2020.
The minimum educational requirement for these professionals is a Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting or economics. However, most business firms tend to hire individuals with a Master’s degree in business administration. The annual salary for these professionals is in the range of 2.17 lakh to
13.92 lakh.