7 Jobs Where Women Get Paid More than Men

6. Kindergarten and Preschool Teachers:

Preschool and Kindergarten teachers prepare young students for future schooling by teaching the basics of subjects such as reading, math, etc. These professionals play a vital role in the development of children, as the things children learn and experience during their early years can have a major impact on their future. It basically helps to shape the views about themselves and the world around them, and in turn affects the success or failure in their future studies, work or professional life.

Preschool and kindergarten teachers can opt to work in public or private schools. They usually work during school hours when students are present, and use nights or weekends to prepare lessons and grade papers. And most professionals in this industry do not work during summer.

This is a female dominated industry wherein 98 percent of the professionals are basically women. Female professionals in this field earn a weekly salary of around $614 which is miles ahead of the average salary for male counterparts in this field, as reported on xfinity website.