7 Jobs for People Who Love To Travel

Travel Writer

Are you on a look out for a line of work that enables you to combine your passion for writing and your desire to travel the world over? Consider being a travel writer.

Though the entry level pay packages are not up to the mark, there are numerous attractive perks that can please a travel junky such as the compensation for their lodging, travel and other tour expenses. 

Tour Guide

If you aspire to get paid for your travel, but crave for freedom and don’t want to commit to a long-term obligation, consider becoming a tour guide. 

As a travel guide you can share the wonders of travel with others. And if you are lucky, your work could land you sampling fabulous food on the streets of Bangkok, sleeping under the stars in Egypt or canoeing through the Amazon. However, this job isn’t for those who lack patience, as it is your task to deal with all the headaches associated with travel.

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